Special award "AGB-Yakub Kolas 135 years" of international amateur radio club AGB - award rules on english

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AGB-Yakub-Kolas 135 years

Special memorable Award "AGB-Yakub-Kolas 135 years"

In the beginning of November, November 3, birthday of Yakub Kolas, Belarusian poet and writer, literary translator, one of the most famous cultural figures of Belarus. One of the classics and founders of the new Belarusian literature. Public figure. People's poet of the Byelorussian SSR (1926). Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Byelorussian SSR (1928). Member of the USSR JV (1934). Honored Scientist of the Belarusian SSR (1944). Member of the CPSU (b) since 1945. Yanka Kupala (real name Konstantin Mikhailovich Mickiewicz, October 22 (November 3), 1882 - August 13, 1956).

Before the October Revolution 1917, collections of poems "Songs of bondage" (1908), "Songs of Sorrows" (1910), separate chapters of the epic poem "The New Land" [5], as well as collections of prose "Stories" (1912), "Native Images" ( 1914).
In the twenties of the twentieth century, the poems "The New Land" (1923), "The Simon the Musician" (1925), the novella "In the Polesie Silence" (1922), "In the Depth of Polissya" (1928), "On the Spaces of Life" (1926), separate lyrical poems, plays. In the thirties, cycles of poems "Kolkhoznoe" (1930), "Autumn" (1935), the story "Otchescheenets" (1930-1931) were written. The events of the revolution and the civil war are reflected in the story "The Mud" (Drygwa, 1933).
For the creative work of Kolas is characterized by a masterful depiction of native nature, a deep knowledge of the psychology of the Belarusian peasantry.
The influence of the national poet of Belarus on his work was recognized by A. T. Twardovsky, M. V. Isakovsky, N. M. Gribachev. English translator Vera Rich compared the "New Land" with the works of Shakespeare.
In the collections of poems "Otomosti" (1942) and "Voice of the Earth" (1943), in the poems "Court in the Forest" (1943) and "Retribution" (1945), the poet glorifies the steadfastness of the Belarusian people, the exploits of the partisans, expresses confidence in the victory over the fascist invaders. The poem "Fisherman's house" (1947) is devoted to the struggle of the Belarusian people for the reunification of Western Byelorussia with the Byelorussian SSR.
The trilogy «Na rosstanyakh» ("In the Countryside" (1923), "In the depths of Polissya" (1927), "At the Crossroads" (1954)), the work on which was begun in 1921, tells about the pre-revolutionary life of the Belarusian peasantry and people's intelligentsia.
Many poems by Y. Kolas are put on music.

To execute this Memorable Award is possible during 2017, from 01.01.2017 to 31.12.2017.

The rules of this Memorable award are as follows:

During 2017, it is necessary to collect 135 points (in 2017, 135 Yakub Kolas) for QSO (HRD) with radio stations of Belarus (EU, EV, EW). Each QSO (HRD gives 5 points.
The special station dedicated to the 135th anniversary of Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas EV135KK gives 50 points,
and AGB Club Station - EV5AGB gives 25 points.
Repeats on different bands and other types of modulation (other types are also considered different types of digital types).

Format of this award - PDF (Adobe Acrobat).
Award "AGB-Yakub-Kolas 135 years" is free.

Your application (LOG-extract and GCR-list application) send to Igor EU1EU-OK8EU (email eu1eu@mail.ru or eu1euster@gmail.com)
You can use Service www.Hamlog.ru and download your logs. Page with AGB awards - www.AGB.hamlog.ru

Send email or Click by ICQ for me (EU1EU) and we correct Your ADDRESS for forward Your Award.
E-mail: eu1eu@mail.ru
URL: http://www.ev5agb.com
ICQ 47572827
President of AGB: EU1EU Igor "HARRY" Getmann
Add: P.O.Box 143, Minsk-5, 220005, Rep. of Belarus

CAUNTION!!! DON'T SEND any application and fee inside letter to BELARUS !!! The parcel post of BELARUS perlustrate and open all letters - YOUR application and fee spill over in parcel post pockets ....

Updated: July 09, 2011

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