Club of Activity Group of Belarus

The Trophy-Program of international Club AGB is considered one of the most interesting radio amateur Award Programs and Trophy programs in the World.
All AGB Trophy can be received by the licensed amateurs radio and SWLs of the whole world. AGB-Trophy-Program exists since 1997.
All your QSO, even what you made your old call sign (including SWL), also are valid on AGB Trophies and Awards.
Trophies have the European presentation design which positively proved many decades as in Europe, and around the world. It is a sure version for Show and Presentation of your Victories, Success and Merits in HAM radio.

Information about AGB-TROPHY-Program

Parts of AGB-TROPHY-Program.

I recommend to you to familiarize with our Trophies who are divided into four groups:
1= For Contesters. ( "W-..-C" - Worked in .. Contests )
2= For fans of DXing. ( "C-..-C" - Confirmed .. Countries )
3= For Award & Trophy Hunters. ( "H-..-A" - Have .. Awards )
4= of ... BELARUS...
Choose Your favourite Trophy !

For Trophy "W-..-C" - Worked in .. Contests
The list of contests in which you have taken part (your house call sign or club station), .
A series of trophies "W-100-C" ... "W-1000-C" awarded for total of competitions in which you took part (the personal call sign, as SWL or from club radio station). Trophies stand out for, accordingly, 100, 250, 500, 750 è 1000 Contests.
The sizes of AGB-Trophy the following: for "W-100-C" - 10cm x 15cm, "W-250-C" - 15cm x 20cm, "W-500-C" - 20cm x 25cm, "W-750-C" - 25cm x 30cm and for "W-1000-C" - 30cm x 38cm.

10cm x 15cm 15cm x 20cm 20cm x 25cm 25cm x 30cm 30cm x 38cm

Worked in 100 Contests

Worked in 250 Contests

Worked in 500 Contests

Worked in 750 Contests

Worked in 1000 Contests

Worked in 1000 Contests

Worked in 750 Contests

Worked in 500 Contests

Worked in 250 Contests

Worked in 100 Contests

For Trophy "C-..-C" - Counfirmed .. Countries
list of confirmed DXCC countries,
A series of trophies "C-300-C" ... "C-1500-C" awarded for total of the confirmed countries under list DXCC on bands 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 metters. Trophies stand out for, accordingly, 300, 500, 750, 1000 è 1500 confirmed DXCC countries.
The sizes of AGB-Trophy the following: for "C-300-C" - 10cm x 15cm, "C-500-C" - 15cm x 20cm, "C-750-C" - 20cm x 25cm, "C-1000-C" - 25cm x 30cm and for "C-1500-C" - 30cm x 38cm.

10cm x 15cm 15cm x 20cm 20cm x 25cm 25cm x 30cm 30cm x 38cm

Confirmed 300 Countries

Confirmed 500 Countries

Confirmed 750 Countries

Confirmed 1000 Countries

Confirmed 1500 Countries

Confirmed 1500 Countries

Confirmed 1000 Countries

Confirmed 750 Countries

Confirmed 500 Countries

Confirmed 300 Countries

For Trophy "H-..-A" - Have .. Awards
list of awards which you have.
A series of trophies "H-100-A" ... "H-1000-A" awarded for total of the diplomas received by you, trophies, medals and prizes (as and for contests). Trophies stand out for, accordingly, 100, 300, 500, 750 è 1000 Dimlomas (awards, trophies include contest-awards-sertificates).
The sizes of AGB-Trophy the following: for "H-100-A" - 10cm x 15cm, "H-300-A" - 15cm x 20cm, "H-500-A" - 20cm x 25cm, "H-750-A" - 25cm x 30cm and for "H-1000-A" - 30cm x 38cm.

10cm x 15cm 15cm x 20cm 20cm x 25cm 25cm x 30cm 30cm x 38cm

Have 100 Awards

Have 300 Awards

Have 500 Awards

Have 750 Awards

Have 1000 Awards

Have 1000 Awards

Have 750 Awards

Have 500 Awards

Have 300 Awards

Have 100 Awards

For Trophy "... BELARUS ..."
A series of trophies awarded for QSO with Rep. of Belarus. See Rules fof each trophy.
15cm x 20cm 15cm x 20cm 15cm x 20cm

plus 25 geralds of Belarus

50 geralds of Belarus


Trophies presented here are made of the special board having appearance of expensive wood (the basis is delivered many years from Germany) and has the thin metal plate with golden layer and original picture (it is made in Prague, the Czech Republic) that Trophy very much pretends attractive and presentable.

Chose YOUR Trophy? Something liked?
Then write any question or application for Your Trophy

ICQ 47572827


The application (GCR-list) with the signature of two amateurs radio, or one DIG-member, or assured of local radio club, direct on email or .

Specially forms of the application is developed for each series of AGB-Trophy - GCR-List.
You will find these forms in appropriate section, on page of a condition of performance of concrete AGB-Trophy.
GCR-list for your award-trophy Application:
1. GCR-list for H..A TROPHY
2. GCR-list for C..C TROPHY
3. GCR-list for W..C TROPHY

Money order AGB TROPHIES

(in each case we will consider options of Money-fee transfers, transfers of applications and receiving Trophy)

Due to the increase of post tariffs, the size of the sums changes since August 1, 2013.
These sums are valid since 1.08.2013.

Name of Trophy Cost with transfer by POST
"C-300-C", "H-100-A", "W-100-C" 32 US$
"C-500-C", "H-300-A", "W-250-C" 43 US$
"C-750-C", "H-500-A", "W-500-C" 63 US$
"C-1000-C", "H-750-A", "W-750-C" 75 US$
"C-1500-C", "H-1000-A", "W-1000-C" 90 US$

Transfer of money you can make or through PayPal system ,
or to make it through WebMoney system .
If you don't work with PayPal or WebMoney system, it doesn't problem. There are other versions.
Write to us. And We together with you will specify possibility of other options in your situation.
ICQ 47572827

Work with payment system WebMoney:

You can Pay by WebMoney
money order in USD to Z337208268992
money order in EUR to E287053310064
money order in RUB to R999686136671
money order in USD to Z201789360744
with comment: "for NAME-AWARD-award from YOUR-CALL"

AGB TROPHY For USD $ payment : For EUro ˆ payment:
"Ñ-300-Ñ", "H-100-A", "W-100-C"
"C-500-C", "H-300-A", "W-250-C"
"C-750-C", "H-500-A", "W-500-C"
"C-1000-C", "H-750-A", "W-750-C"
"C-1500-C", "H-1000-A", "W-1000-C"

Work with payment system PayPal:

You can Pay by PayPal

Enter You CALL
AGB-TROPHY pay in Euro
Enter You CALL

PREVENTION! Please send by mail for EU1EU (to Belarus) only letters, without any investments. All correspondence coming to Belarus, can be opened and examined by post officials (as becomes). The exception is made by the registered mail with cards. The express mail is looked through by customs officers in current of 4-5 days with all that it implies, and the party of a cut is hastily stuck with an adhesive tape.
Letters to Prague, Czech Republic, deliver normally. But previously it is obligatory to stipulate all Options.

Manufacturing and Send Trophy

After obtaining the Application, ascertain data, confirmations, and then money transfer:
Week will leave on manufacturing delivery of golden plate with the original image, your Callsign and then transfer by POST to You.
Transfer by POST, in the good duplicated-europacking.

Contact me ( Igor EU1EU-OK8EU ) and we will solve, what address is better to send for You a package parcel post with Trophy. E-mail:
ICQ 47572827

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Question: I'am a radio amateur many years. Prompt, as to me to issue the Application for Trophy.
Answer: To issue the Application it is possible as it is described in the section APPLICATION on each page of concrete Trophy. Don't hesitate to write to us and to ask.

Question: I to a today's Callsign had some Callsigns (moving across the Country, change of licence, DXpeditions). Whether I can use QSO under old call signs for Trophy?
Answer: You can declare Troffi on any of your call signs, present or on any old. Or even on SWL. When filling the Form specify your Callsign. Some Trophies stands out on one Callsign, and for some Trophies you can use All your Radio amateur luggage for all years and Callsigns.

Question: Whether it is obligatory to send for you the certified application the registered post-mail?
Answer: Not necessarily. Now 21 century and you can use new technologies. Take Scan or the picture of your application, and send this file (or files) to Igor EU1EU-OK8EU.

Question: Whether there are restrictions of receiving Trophy for Radio amateurs of some countries?
Answer: Don't limitation. In each case, with each Radio amateur, we adjuste various options also choose the most convenient for the Radio amateur.

Question: You write that there is a transfer system of money WebMoney. How to learn, whether there in our city this possibility?
Answer: Contact to Igor EU1EU-OK8EU. He will in details prompt and will send links of possible points of banks, savings banks where work with WebMoney.

Question: I heard that Somebody did transfer for AGB-Trophy and AGB-Awards via the payment terminal. It is possible?
Answer: Äà - Ýòî âîçìîæíî. È ýòî çíà÷èòåëüíî óïðîùàåò Âàøè äåéñòâèÿ ïî ïåðåâîäó. Ñâÿæèòåñü ñ Èãîðåì EU1EU-OK8EU è ïîëó÷èòå ëèíê íà âèäåî-êëèï (ïîêàç) êàê ñäåëàòü ïåðåâîä äåíåã ÷åðåç òåðìèíàë. Yes It is possible. And it considerably simplifies your actions on transfer. Contact Igor EU1EU-OK8EU and receive a link on a videoclip (display) how to make money transfer via the terminal.

Question: Can I give Gift of your AGB-Trophy to my Friend on his Anniversary? I can send you the Application with signatures, certified, but payment will be made by me and to receive Trophy I want to my address. And then to hand over to the Friend it is Troffi in a good company on its Anniversary.
Answer: Certainly, you can make it. The application correctly issued and assured, both the author, and other radio amateurs, and also your guarantees is surely necessary that Trophy will be transferred to the Author. Also confirm with the Author receiving Trophy after Anniversary.

Question: I'am the SWL. Can I applicate Trophy?
Answer: Yes, You can.

Question: I have not possibility to make transfer via PayPal? What will I do?
Answer: Find among a friends who works with this system, or use system of WebMoney.

Question: I don't use WebMoney or PayPal. What will I do?
Answer: You can find friends who can help to make to you payment-transfer. Probably he will help for you to make possibility to work in these systems (registered and make the Keeper (or other Soft) on your computer). All specifications quetions sent by email to Igor EU1EU-OK8EU.

Additional Information

For obtaining detailed information on any of Trophy, please communicate with EU1EU - OK8EU (AGB President).
ICQ 47572827
President of AGB club: EU1EU Igor Getmann
Address: P.O.Box 143, Minsk-5, 220005, Rep. of Belarus
Address: The Czech address will be sent you via email.

Information about AGB-TROPHY-Program

Parts of AGB-TROPHY-Program.

I recommend to you to familiarize with our Trophies who are divided into four groups:
1= For Contesters. ( "W-..-C" - Worked in .. Contests )
2= For fans of DXing. ( "C-..-C" - Confirmed .. Countries )
3= For Award & Trophy Hunters. ( "H-..-A" - Have .. Awards )
4= of ... BELARUS...
10cm x 15cm 15cm x 20cm 20cm x 25cm 25cm x 30cm 30cm x 38cm

Worked in 100 Contests

Worked in 250 Contests

Worked in 500 Contests

Worked in 750 Contests

Worked in 1000 Contests

Confirmed 300 Countries

Confirmed 500 Countries

Confirmed 750 Countries

Confirmed 1000 Countries

Confirmed 1500 Countries

Have 100 Awards

Have 300 Awards

Have 500 Awards

Have 750 Awards

Have 1000 Awards
15cì x 20cm 15cì x 20cm 15cì x 20cm

plus 25 geralds of Belarus

50 geralds of Belarus


Club AGB and Awards, Trophies

We at the beginning of creation of Club planned creation of the interesting Award Program, and in the long term, and Trophy Program. Thanks to Igor's active and fruitful correspondence of EU1EU and Ebrhard DJ8OT in the early nineties, with Boris OH5ZZ in the late nineties, it was possible to create HAM-Spirit of the Award Program and then Trophy Program who now exist and develop.
For years of existence of AGB Club we gave out thousands Awards and hundreds Trophies. It not only Pleasure of those who has our Trophies, but also Pleasure to us, for our work and creative labour.
Certainly, a lot of things from this that exists now, it would be impossible without support of such known international Clubs of award-trophy hunters, as DIG, KDR, 10-10.

Use AGB-TROPHIES for Show and Presentation
of your Victories and Merits in HAM-radio!

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