of Activity Group of Belarus international amateur radio club

Near Name of award you can see thumbs of AGB-Award. If you click on Thumb - You can See Big pictures of Award 400x330 pixels. (30-50k JPEG file).

Award (Trophy) may be applied by all stations who can prove contacts with Byelorussian stations with different prefixes. Prefixes are defined according the WPX award rules, for instance: EU1, EU2, EU3..., EW1, EW2..., EV1, EV2..., UC1, UC2, UC3, UC6, UC50..., RC2, EZ2, UK2, RK2...

  • Class V - for QSO-HRD with 10 Prefixes of Belarus
  • Class IV - for QSO-HRD with 15 Prefixes of Belarus
  • Class III - for QSO-HRD with 20 Prefixes of Belarus
  • Class II - for QSO-HRD with 25 Prefixes of Belarus
  • Class I - for QSO-HRD with 30 Prefixes of Belarus
Awards of "PX-BELARUS" format A4 size (297 x 210 mm).

  • "PX-BELARUS-TROPHY" - for QSO-HRD with 40 Prefixes of Belarus
Trophy of "PX-BELARUS-TROPHY" are made of the special board having appearance of expensive wood (the basis is delivered from Germany) and has a thin metal label with a golden metal shade that pretends are very attractive. size of A5 (150 x 200 mm).

For SWL - rules similar.

To offset there are QSO assured by QSL-cards. It is not necessary to send QSL-cards, it is filled GCR-list.
If you have no enough confirmed QSL, but is QSO - contact Igor EU1EU-OK8EU. A part of HAM-radio Belarus don't receive a card through Belarus-QSL-buro, and it is similar, not all QSL-cards could reach you. A question under your Application Will dare and probably We will help to receive any QSL.

The Application (GCR-list) with the signature of 2 HAM-radios, or one DIG-member, or certify in local radio club, and if you DIG-member enough your signature, and fee for awards:
10 US$ / 8 EUro;
For "PX-BELARUS-TROPHY" - 39 US$ / 30 EUro

Application direct on email or

Old Version 1995 year ...

All Rules for AGB AWARDS

All amateurs radio can have AGB awards (and SWLs also). Your application (or GCR-list - (General Certification Rule)) with confirming of two amateurs radio and fee (10 US$ / 8 EURO) send to AGB Award Application manager
Remigijus Vaicius, LY8O (ex LY2MW), P.O.Box 1029, Vilnius 2000, LITHUANIA

Jaroslav Rossler, OK1BZ, ul.Vetrna 2716/8, CZ 40011, Usti-nad-Labem, Czech Republic

Special for Russia => Valery Sorokin, RA3LZ, 10, Viazma 215110, Smolensk Region, Russia

You also can receive AGB awards in alternative version. This in electronic form in the PDF format. For this purpose you should issue the application in the GCR format to send to AGB manager. After confirmation of your application you must to make transaction by PayPal - 3 usd for each award. Obtaining alternative awards possibly only via email and transactions only by PayPAl.
If you have any questions - send email for Igor EU1EU-OK8EU ( or )

You can Pay by WebMoney

money order in USD to Z337208268992
money order in EUR to E287053310064
money order in RUB to R999686136671
money order in USD to Z201789360744
with comments "for NAME-AWARD-award from YOUR-CALL"

Russia, Lithuania, Czech Europe, World
For appication of Russia,
DIG-members :

For appication of Europe,
outside Europe :

You can use PayPal

AGB-Classic Awards in USD
Enter You CALL
AGB PDF Awards in USD
Enter You CALL
AGB-Classic Awards in Euro
Enter You CALL

Send email or Click by ICQ for me (EU1EU) and we correct Your ADDRESS for forward Your Award by post.
ICQ 47572827
President of AGB: EU1EU Igor "HARRY" Getmann
Add: P.O.Box 143, Minsk-5, 220005, Rep. of Belarus

CAUNTION!!! DON'T SEND any application and fee inside letter to BELARUS !!! The parcel post of BELARUS perlustrate and open all letters - YOUR application and fee spill over in parcel post pockets ....

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