Belarus station | 20 towns |
EU stations | 10 towns |
DX station | 5 towns |
The list of places:
Babinovitchi, Belitsia, Bobruisk, Borisov, Braslav, Brest, Bykhov, Vileika, Vitebsk, Volkovysk, Geraniony, Gomel, Gorodnaia, Gorodok, Grodno, David-Gorodok, Disna, Doksitsy, Drissa, Druia, Igumen, Kamenits, Klimovitchi, Kobrin, Kopyl, Kopys, Kritchev, Lepel, Lida, Lipnishky, Logishin, Lubtcha, ?altcha, Minsk, Mogilev, Mozyr, Mstislavl, Nesviz, Novogrudok, Orsha, Oshmiany, Perebrodie, Pinsk, Polotsk, Postavy, Pruzany, Radoshkovitchi, Retchitsa, Rogatchov, Senno, Slonim, Slutsk, Surazh, Tchausy, Tcherikov, Shereshiov, Shklov.
For every additional 5 towns you can get Award - "GERALDS of BELARUS 10",
On added awards on which various ancient maps of Belarus are represented,
VKL (Grand Duchy of Lithuania), Teutonic lands, Baltic, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Moskovia.
These ancient maps from various museums and archives of Europe,
and these Diplomas an example of research work of Igor Getman of EU1EU-OK8EU.
And also for the Additional 25 cities can receive Trophy - "GERALDS of BELARUS TROPHY +25".
For example, you are a inhabitant of Europe, and you received the Basic Award for 10 cities.
Trophy +25 you means can receive for 35 cities (10+25).
And also there is Troffi for 50 cities "GERALDS of BELARUS TROPHY 50" having the old heraldic.
No value, you are a Inhabitant of Belarus, Europe or other continent in this case has.
You must have QSO with 50 cities having the ancient coats of arms (look the list).
You also can place the order and receive Awards for smaller number of the cities for your region
(for example for inhabitants of Belarus the Basic Award stands out for 20 cities.
And only after that you can receive Additional diplomas for smaller number of the cities - 10, 15, 20).
For Inhabitants of Europe, you should receive the Basic Award for 10 cities,
and then can place the order and receive Additional the Diploma and for smaller number of the cities - 10.
All amateurs radio can have AGB awards (and SWLs also). Your application (or GCR-list - (General Certification Rule)) with confirming of two amateurs radio
and fee (10 US$ / 8 EURO) send to AGB Award Application manager
Remigijus Vaicius, LY8O (ex LY2MW), P.O.Box 1029, Vilnius 2000, LITHUANIA
Jaroslav Rossler, OK1BZ, ul.Vetrna 2716/8, CZ 40011, Usti-nad-Labem, Czech Republic
Special for Russia =>
Valery Sorokin, RA3LZ, p.o.box 10, Viazma 215110, Smolensk Region, Russia
GERALDS BELARUS TROPHY for +25 geralds - 39 USD / 30 EUro;
GERALDS BELARUS TROPHY for 50 geralds - 39 USD / 30 EUro;
You also can receive AGB awards in alternative version. This in electronic form in the PDF format.
For this purpose you should issue the application in the GCR format to send to AGB manager.
After confirmation of your application you must to make transaction by PayPal - 3 usd for each award.
Obtaining alternative awards possibly only via email and transactions only by PayPAl.
If you have any questions - send email for Igor EU1EU-OK8EU ( EU1EU@mail.ru or eu1euster@gmail.com )
You can Pay by WebMoney
Russia, Lithuania, Czech | Europe, World |
For appication of Russia, DIG-members : |
For appication of Europe, outside Europe : |
AGB-Trophy "C-300-C" ... "C-1500-C"
![]() Trophy C-500-C most popular in series C..C last year. A series of trophies "C-300-C" ... "C-1500-C" awarded for total of the confirmed countries under list DXCC on bands 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 metters. Trophies stand out for, accordingly, 300, 500, 750, 1000 and 1500 confirmed DXCC countries. Rules AGB-TROPHY PROGRAM: C-300-C, C-500-C, C-750-C, C-1000-C, C-1500-C * .. about AGB-TROPHY Good afternoon Igor! Today received Trophy "C-1500-C"! Real super is executed! Thank you very much! 73! Shamill RU9WW Dobroe utro dorogoi Igor, have a lot of thanks for the trophies. On the homepage of Rosel we show to the visitors the trophy ( www.dl3kwr.de rubric contests => http://www.dl3kwr.de/Contest-e.htm ). Also in QRZ.com ( http://www.qrz.com/db/ ) DL3KWR is uploaded the trophy. Hardy and Rosel DL3KWR DL3KWF AGB-Trophy "H-100-A" ... "H-1000-A" ![]() Trophy H-100-A most popular in series H..A last year. A series of trophies "H-100-A" ... "H-1000-A" awarded for total of the diplomas received by you, trophies, medals and prizes (as and for contests). Trophies stand out for, accordingly, 100, 300, 500, 750 and 1000 Dimlomas (awards, trophies include contest-awards-sertificates). Rules AGB-TROPHY PROGRAM: H-100-A, H-300-A, H-500-A, H-750-A, H-1000-A * .. about AGB-TROPHY I welcome Igor! Today received from you Ñ-750-Ñ. Thank you very much. Perfectly executed trophy, high quality! It was packed very well, no scratches are present. Again Thanks! I rejoiced! Now I select next Trophy from your program. The photo of the received trophy I sent to friends, and I think nice reaction from them will be soon. See you again! 73! Vladimir RD3AD Hi Igor, TROPHY received, everything received perfectly. Alexander RK6JS Good afternoon, Igor! Today I received PX-BELARUS-Trophy. I thank you for it. It is pleasantly surprised that I have Trophy with number 2. Everything is remarkable. Once again many thanks. regards, Igor UA9OGF AGB-Òðîôôè "W-100-C" ... "W-1000-C" ![]() Trophy W-500-C most popular in series Contesting last year. A series of trophies "W-100-C" ... "W-1000-C" awarded for total of competitions in which you took part (the personal call sign, as SWL or from club radio station). Trophies stand out for, accordingly, 100, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 Contests. Rules AGB-TROPHY PROGRAM: W-100-C, W-250-C, W-500-C, W-750-C, W-1000-C |
Updated: July 16, 2012
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