Êëóáà Activity Group of Belarus

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AGB-World Amateur Radio Day-2012 (AGB-WARD-2012)

Award AGB-WARD-2012
AGB-World Amateur Radio Day-2012

Memorable award AGB-World Amateur Radio Day-2012 (AGB-WARD-2012) dedicate of interbational celebration World Amateur Radio Day - April, 18-th and this day in 2012.
The Award is free. And award in PDF-format only.

By experience of last year, this year there are two temporary (on time) option of implementation of the Award.

The first - only in Day on April 18 2012ã.
The second - within April 2012ã. (for Those who didn't manage to execute 18.04.2012)

First Option.
For implementation of the Diploma, it is necessary for you within days, on April 18, 2012, to carry out not less than 25 QSO with radio fans of the World (without restrictions on ranges, modulation, the countries) among which it is obligatory to have 1 QSO with France, and 1 QSO with member of AGB.
List of AGB-members =>

For SWL - it is necessary to have the 25th supervision with radio fans, and also on 1 supervision with France and AGB-member.
The diploma free also stands out only in the electronic PDF format on those e-mail addresses which are specified in the demand for this Memorable Diploma issued by the International Club AGB.

Conditions of This Memorable Award are made very much simplified that many radio fans who were active on air this Day could receive This Award.

Second Option.
For implementation of the Award, it is necessary for you within April, 2012, to carry out not less than 25 QSO with the various countries of the World (without restrictions on ranges, modulation) among which it is obligatory to have 1 QSO with France, and 1 QSO with the member of AGB.
List of AGB-members =>

For SWL - it is necessary to have supervision with radio fans of 25 countries, and also on 1 supervision with France and AGB-member.
The diploma paid also stands out only in a classical cardboard look. Size of transfer and ways according to the general provision on AGB Awards.

Application form. Certainly GCR-list is preferable, but you can send Any form of the Demand for the Diploma where at least 25 QSO should be surely listed.

Send the Application for the address:
Demands acceptance time - till January 01, 1013.

Last year there were questions - Why 25 QSO? + Why France?
The answer is simple - Remember, when (in 1925) and where (France) passed Action about Status establishment HAM-Radio.

See you,


Send email or Click by ICQ for me (EU1EU) and we correct Your ADDRESS for forward Your Award by post.
ICQ 47572827
President of AGB: EU1EU Igor "HARRY" Getmann
Add: P.O.Box 143, Minsk-5, 220005, Rep. of Belarus

CAUNTION!!! DON'T SEND any application and fee inside letter to BELARUS !!! The parcel post of BELARUS perlustrate and open all letters - YOUR application and fee spill over in parcel post pockets ....

Updated: April 15, 2012

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