* AGB Club Information
about AGB
AGB divisions
AGB administration
AGB Black Coffee
AGB Hunters-Fishers
AGB Meetings
Round Tables AGB
Expeditions of AGB
Presentations of AGB
* AGB Club Members
Membership of AGB
Application ENG [word]
Application RUS [word]
Application Czech [word]
Application ENG [txt]
Application RUS [txt]
AGB member-list [Call -> Nr]
AGB member-list [Nr -> Call]
* AGB Award program
Award program
Trophy program
* AGB Contest program
* AGB Ratings
AGB Award Rating
AGB DX Rating
AGB Contest Rating
* AGB-Bulletins

* .. about AGB-AWARDs
Many thanks for nice Awards of AGB club and good wishes. Quite often I look on your WEB-site. I glad that you had also electronic versions of Awards. Recently it in a big fashion. With the best regards, Evgeny.
Thanks for the award, all received, unpacked. Hangs in a place of honor.
Yours faithfully Mansur UA4PDJ, Kazan, Russia
Igor Vladimirovich!
Many thanks for such abundance of information!!
Everything I will attentively look through and whenever possible to carry out and
to take part.
I wish you creative successes and everything, all the kindest!
Yours faithfully Mikhail RA3VFF.
Good afternoon, Igor EU1EU!!
The award, AGB-WARD-2012 received many thanks for No. 43. Very beautiful as well as all other awards in the AGB program thank you that you it sent the award to me. I familiarized with it and in process of possibilities.
I will try to execute some awards.
With sincere respect for you Vyacheslav RX1AB 73 !
Thank You for lovely awards, see You soon with new applications,
73 de Boki, YT6M
I am surprised your imagination in awards, it is visible wide experience both vital, and radio amateur,
and simply taste of the founder!
Good luck to you and Health! Yours faithfully, Vasily UA9WOB, 73!
On beauty of execution your diplomas have no competitors! Successes in all undertakings!
Alexander, Olga, YL-RS-01, YL-RS-02
Клуба Activity Group of Belarus
Near the name of award you can see a small picture of the award. Clicking on a picture will bring you a magnified picture (400x330). (The 30-50 K JPEG file).
The Award for all stations which have contacted the Belorussian YL-operators (HAM-radio, SWL or working with club stations). In day 8 Martha of 2010 the following is necessary for you:
In our AGB-Club also is YL-members and from the end of 90th years of the last century there is Diploma AGB-YL-BELARUS
This Award in Memorable execution specially for 8 Marth of 2011 it will be possible to execute and receive in the YL-Holiday.
Specially for YL (personal callsigns, operators of collective stations having SWL) and also for the Men-operators, the given Memorable Award will stand out free of charge and in format PDF.
For YL-AGB-members and YL operators of collective stations of club AGB - should be spent not less than 10 QSO.
For YL not being member of AGB club - it is necessary to spend not less than 10 QSO on air in Day 8 Martha and to have not less than 1 QSO with YL-BBELARUS
For Men it is necessary to spend not less than 3 QSO with YL-BBELARUS.
To offset goes QSO and in Contests, spent on March, 8th, and usual daily communications, but only on March, 8th, 2011 - 0000-2400 UTC.
I will repeat that It only for Memorable Diploma AGB-YL-BELARUS-2011 which will have a little excellent design from Base Diploma AGB-YL-BELARUS
Reports and demands (GCR-list) to send or by e-mail eu1eu@mail.ru (in case of problems use eu1euster@gmail.com) or on the mailing address Igor Getman EU1EU, p.o. 143, Minsk-5, 220005 Belarus
The Award will be dispatched after gathering of all demands and reports (3 month is given). The request to specify yours email for transfer of the Diploma to you.
On March, 8th annually the club spends AGB-YL-PARTY - the round-the-clock action reminding competition. This day you can execute with ease not only a condition of the given awards, but also many awards of AGB-club.
Approximate list YL-BELARUS of operators and SWLs (ex calls in brackets):
EV1Y (UC2AT) Margarita, EU1YL (UC3AB) Zinaida, EW1YL (UC2ADN, UC2-188-69) Raisa, EW1YT (UC2AHO) Tamara, EU1DD (UC2AIU) Natasha, EU1AY (UC2AY) Tania, EW1YZ (UC2AIZ, UC2-188-77) Elena, EU1AAM Elena, EU1LY Larisa, EW2NW Nadezda, EW3CE (EW3-005) Elena, EW3BR Lidia, EW3BS Marina, EW3BY Julia, EU3DZ (UC2LDZ) Marina, EW4AZ (UC2IAZ) Valentina, EU6TT Tania, EU6YL Elena, EW6GA Galina, EW6GE Natasha, EW6YA Anna, EW6YB Irina, EW6YF Elena, EW6YI Irina, EW6YL Natasha, EW6YM Angela, EW6YZ Galina, EU7KT (UC2SKT) Larisa, EU7KV (UC2SKV) Olga, EU7YL (UC2SBQ) Nadezda, EW7SL (UC2SL) Lilija, EW8BK (UC2OGV) Galina, EW8YL Ludmila, UC2-006-163 Tamara, UC2-188-35 Irina, UC2-188-85 Tania, UC2-188-88 Irina, UC2-188-93 Oksana, UC2-188-121 Tania, UC2-188-125 Elena, UC2-188-133 Larisa, UC2-188-134 Alla, UC2-188-135 Ludmila, UC2-188-154 Alena, UC2-188-288 Stella, UC2-188-423 Larisa, EU1-012 Irina, EW1-014 Elena, EW1-017 Irina, EW1-022 Olga, EW3-006 Natasha, EW3-015 Tania, EU6NN Ninna, EU8MM Ninna, EW8-111 Anna, EW8-132 Vlada, EW8-133 Katerina, EW8-134 Anna,
EW8-121 Irina, EW8-149 Natasha, EW8-154 Marina,
EU7MM Marina, EW7BE Olga, EW7UU Tania, EU7EE Svetlana.
Send email or Click by ICQ for me (EU1EU) and we correct Your ADDRESS for forward Your Award by post.
E-mail: eu1eu@mail.ru
URL: http://www.ev5agb.com
ICQ 47572827
President of AGB: EU1EU Igor "HARRY" Getmann
Add: P.O.Box 143, Minsk-5, 220005, Rep. of Belarus
CAUNTION!!! DON'T SEND any application and fee inside letter to BELARUS !!!
The parcel post of BELARUS perlustrate and open all letters - YOUR application and fee spill over in parcel post pockets ....
AGB-Trophy "C-300-C" ... "C-1500-C"

Trophy C-500-C most popular in series C..C last year.
A series of trophies "C-300-C" ... "C-1500-C" awarded for total of the confirmed countries under list DXCC on bands 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 metters. Trophies stand out for, accordingly, 300, 500, 750, 1000 and 1500 confirmed DXCC countries.
* .. about AGB-TROPHY Good afternoon Igor! Today received Trophy "C-1500-C"! Real super is executed! Thank you very much! 73! Shamill RU9WW
Dobroe utro dorogoi Igor,
have a lot of thanks for the trophies. On the homepage of Rosel we show to the visitors the trophy
( www.dl3kwr.de rubric contests => http://www.dl3kwr.de/Contest-e.htm ). Also in QRZ.com ( http://www.qrz.com/db/ ) DL3KWR is uploaded the trophy.
Hardy and Rosel DL3KWR DL3KWF
AGB-Trophy "H-100-A" ... "H-1000-A"
 Trophy H-100-A most popular in series H..A last year.
A series of trophies "H-100-A" ... "H-1000-A" awarded for total of the diplomas received by you, trophies, medals and prizes (as and for contests). Trophies stand out for, accordingly, 100, 300, 500, 750 and 1000 Dimlomas (awards, trophies include contest-awards-sertificates).
* .. about AGB-TROPHY
I welcome Igor!
Today received from you С-750-С. Thank you very much.
Perfectly executed trophy, high quality!
It was packed very well, no scratches are present. Again Thanks! I rejoiced!
Now I select next Trophy from your program. The photo of the received trophy
I sent to friends, and I think nice reaction from them will be soon.
See you again!
73! Vladimir RD3AD
Hi Igor, TROPHY received, everything received perfectly. Alexander RK6JS
Good afternoon, Igor!
Today I received PX-BELARUS-Trophy. I thank you for it. It is pleasantly surprised that I have Trophy with number 2.
Everything is remarkable. Once again many thanks.
regards, Igor UA9OGF
AGB-Троффи "W-100-C" ... "W-1000-C"

Trophy W-500-C most popular in series Contesting last year.
A series of trophies "W-100-C" ... "W-1000-C" awarded for total of competitions in which you took part (the personal call sign, as SWL or from club radio station). Trophies stand out for, accordingly, 100, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 Contests.