17 Years |
WELCOME to our (
AGB-NYSB-2010 (New Year SnowBalls) CONTEST at January 1th)
AGB-NYSB-2010 Contest on ENGLISH | on Russian
We like to Present our NEW AGB Award Programm
First 3 Awards of National Parks and National Forest Reserves of Belarus with name of: (
Rules AGB Awards on on Russian
and on on English
Since September 1th, 2009 (
Changed Rules and size of Fee for Applications AGB Awards)
Rules AGB Awards on English | on Russian
Our Club Contest (
AGB-NEMIGA-2009 CONTEST will be 18 September 2009)
AGB-Nemiga-2009 Contest on ENGLISH | on Russian
Our Club Contest (
AGB-NYSB-2009 (New Year SnowBalls) CONTEST will be 1 January 2009)
AGB-NYSB-2009 Contest on ENGLISH | on Russian
Merry Christmass and Happy Hew Year!
All the best in New 2009 year for You - our AGB-members and Friends of AGB-Club! See you later in AGB air-actions, AGB-Meetings, AGB-Black-Coffee Meetings during 2009!
Our Xmass Meeting (
AGB-Xmas-Meeting-2008 + AGB-Black-Coffee will be in 24-25 December)
There are Traditional Meeting in Xmass Days.
Our Club Contest (
AGB-PARTY-2008 CONTEST will be 19 December 2008)
AGB-PARTY-2008 Contest on ENGLISH | on Russian
The Article our AGB-member's (
OK/US3LX - The Travel in Czech Republic in 2008 )
During August-September 2008 Leonid US3LX AGB#226 have been visite in Czech. Article on Russian language
First Time our Club put into practice (
AGB-OK-VHF-Expedition in North part of Czech Republic )
26-27 September 2008 we are planning to work from mountain of North Czech (loc JO60 ..) by VHF 144 - 432 MHz (FM), Mobile ANT GP 5/8 on 2m and 70cm, POWER 50-20 W - Jaroslav OK1BZ AGB#227, Franta OK3BZ AGB#229 and Igor OK/EU1EU AGB#001, In the evenings of Saturday and Sunday you can find our stations on 80, 40, 20 m bands (SSB, CW).
Our Club Contest (
AGB-NEMIGA-2008 CONTEST will be 19 September 2008)
AGB-Nemiga-2008 Contest on ENGLISH | on Russian
13 September in Strojetica, Czech - OK-DIG-Meeting. There are traditional Meeting of Czech section of DIG Club. The chiff of OK-DIG section Zdeno OK1AR DIG#694.
During Meeting - Videos, Photos, meetings and conversations, Awards, and working in the air OL5DIG DIG#5500. From AGB-club presence Igor EU1EU AGB#01 DIG#5021 and Jaroslav OK1BZ AGB#227 DIG#6032.
Photo-pictures Article on Russian Special Thanks for Zdeno OK1AR, Jaroslav OK1BZ. 73 + 77!
During August 29-31 2008 in Holice, Czech was Inernational OK-Meeting. From our AGB club attend Igor EU1EU AGB#01 DIG#5021.
Photo Collection of Meeting. and Now Articles on Russian Lagruage of Holice-2008 Meeting. Special Thank for Zdeno OK1AR, Jaroslav OK1BZ, Leonid US3LX for information of Meeting. 73 + 77!
New AGB-Members Jaroslav OK1BZ AGB#227, Leonid US3LX AGB#226.
One Version of site on russian language of AGB (Activity Group of Belarus Club)
At July 3-4 - The Day of Liberation of MINSK during World War II (1944г.)
We plane to work in the air our Club call-sign EV5AGB.
There ana chance to have more points for our Club Award "Belarus-1944".
Also You can use QSOs with BELARUS amateur radio during July 1-10 for BELARUS-1944 AWARD
New site of BSCC (Black Sea Contest Club)
9th AGB-Summer-Meeting-2008 in Minsk - AGB-SM-2008 21-22 June
Geographic Center of EUROPE - EU5ROPE station in Polotst - Belarus - May 31 - Jun 01 2008
RU-QRP Meeting - 26 - 29 June 2008 - "DESNA-2008".
Our (
AGB-NYSB-2008 CONTEST (NewYear SnowBalls Contest) - January 1 )
AGB-NYSB-2008 Contest on ENGLISH There are traditional NewYear Contest and FIRST Contest in NEW YEAR!
Fine Quick Contest and excellent Meeting in NEW YEAR for play of SnowBalls! Let's Go!
Our (
AGB-PARTY-2007 CONTEST - December 21 2007)
AGB-PARTY-2007 Contest on ENGLISH | on Russian
Expedition in Tolochin-town, Vitebsk-region Belarus ( TO for WAARB Award ) 21-23 September
There are first expedition in TO region of WAARB AWARD. Vitaly EV6C AGB#210 and Roman EW6TT AGB#189 will be
working in our AGB-Nemiga contest (21 Sep owners calls). Award "WAARB" ) Inside expedition use EV5AGB call and will be activity CW and SSB. Article on Russian language.
Our club's( AGB-NEMIGA-2007 CONTEST at September 21)
AGB-Nemiga-2007 Contest on RUSSIAN
Sponsor Gift for ( AGB-NEMIGA-2007 CONTEST from Vladimir EW1ABA AGB#029)
Bronze Statuetes - Best result for Belarus station and Best result for outside Belarus station
Sponsor Gift for ( AGB-NEMIGA-2007 CONTEST from Victor EU6AA AGB#018)
Award "ORSHA-940" - Best result for Belarus station of Vitebsk region
Special Gift for ( AGB-NEMIGA-2007 CONTEST - QRP category)
Award "Minsk" - for all QRP station, who will made minimum 3 QSO and send log.
Special Gift for ( AGB-NEMIGA-2007 CONTEST - AGB-members)
Award "Minsk" - for all AGB-members station, who will made minimum 50 QSO and send log.
Our Special Award of 2007 Year ...( MINSK-940 - 940 years of MINSK )
During Jan 01 - Dec 31 2007 You can make Special Award "MINKS-940".
8th AGB-Summer-Meeting-2007 in Minsk - AGB-SM-2007 7-8 July
July 3 we worked EV5AGB. You can take several points for our AGB Award "Belarus-1944".
Victor EU6AA AGB#018 in June 27 to July 26 worked EU940OR from Orsha. Orsha town have 940 years.
Our club call EV5AGB you will find in AGB Round Tables-every week.
Added last AGBINFO bulletins. [AGBINFO-Bulletin - Archive 2002-2007 ]
Round Table of AGB
Every week at 1830 UTC on 80м QRG=3688+-QRM - on Russian language

WebMoney |
You can use Webmoney for payment our awards via Net |
Here you can find the information for amateurs radio, who interesting DX'ing, Contesting, Awards hunter and other part of HAM.
Coollection of links amateur radio sites and resurses on the net. And about AGB club also.
You can write any articles - send letter to Igor-Harry Getmann EU1EU- p.o.Box143, Minsk-5, 220005, BELARUS

The big part of information - about
AGB Club , our
AGB Club History,
Rules of
AGB Membership, List of
AGB-members and Club programs. There are AGB AWARD PROGRAM, more 20 colors awards and 16 Trohies, in special AGB TROPHY PROGRAM. Это
DX program с
интересным AGB-DX-Rating. Это Contest program - 3 worl Contests,
since 1994 года. You canknow about our information bulletins - AGB-INFO-Bulletin,
AGB-InterNet-Bulletin, and also our AGBINFO Bulletin (on Russian language) AGBINFO-Bulletin.

personal site of Victor EW1AF AGB#057 |

personal site of Wladimir EW1ABA AGB#029 |
Congratulation our AGB-members:
AGB# 41 UR5FEO Sergej 01.08
AGB# 130 UN9LN Wladimir 03.08
AGB# 164 RN3QO Sergej 03.08
AGB# 178 UX5PS Victor 09.08
AGB# 181 EU6GW Victor 10.08
AGB# 107 RW3DK Alexander 12.08
AGB# 155 EW6DO Oleg 17.08
AGB# 186 RD3BB Nikolaj 17.08
AGB# 47 EW1OM Victor 25.08
AGB# 113 EW6AW Wladimir 28.08
AGB# 221 LZ4BU Ivaylo 30.08
[] More... AGB-members Birthdays
Most active AGB-BC Members Victor EW1AF, Igor EU1EU, Wladimir EW1ABA and AGB-BC-visiters Alex EW1TT, Semen SWL.
One of AGB-Black-Coffee meetings. EW1AF, EW1TT, EU1EU, Semen-SWL, EW1ABA
[More... AGB-BC]
Presentation CD about AGB Club and AGB-membersх
All about AGB Club, members, AGB programs, Rules of Awards, Trophies, AGB Contests, AGB-Ratings, Pictures and voices of AGB-members...
[More info ... ]
Collection of limks. Amateur radio, Clubs and Awards&Trophies rules, Contests, DXingand more for WEB-design, WEB-programming...
[Links - more ...]
AGBINFO-Bulletin - every week Bulletin of HAM News for AGB Round Table in the air - (Thutdat QRG= 3688 at 1830 UTC ) send by e-mail for AGB-members, AGB-Friends
and subscribers.
[AGBINFO-Bulletin - Archive 2002-2007 ]
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 Join My ICQ Group: AGB
I (Igor EU1EU) know about many Problem with confirming QSL from Belarus. Its real BIG Problem. Because many QSL card lost in Belarussian national Federation ... and Politic several Liders of Belarussian national Federation is DON't take received QSL to Belarus HAMs ...
Special for YOU I recommend use Confirming QSL Direct Service by PayPal:
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DO NOT send your money to Belarus by mail .... All mail perlustrite and many mails steal and throw out ...
You must use PayPal and I'll send QSL-card Direct for You 100%!