* AGB Club Information
about AGB
AGB divisions
AGB administration
AGB Black Coffee
AGB Hunters-Fishers
AGB Meetings
Round Tables AGB
Expeditions of AGB
Presentations of AGB
* AGB Club Members
Membership of AGB
Application ENG [word]
Application RUS [word]
Application Czech [word]
Application ENG [txt]
Application RUS [txt]
AGB member-list [Call -> Nr]
AGB member-list [Nr -> Call]
* AGB Award program
Award program
Trophy program
* AGB Contest program
* AGB Ratings
AGB Award Rating
AGB DX Rating
AGB Contest Rating
* AGB-Bulletins

* .. about AGB-AWARDs
Many thanks for nice Awards of AGB club and good wishes. Quite often I look on your WEB-site. I glad that you had also electronic versions of Awards. Recently it in a big fashion. With the best regards, Evgeny.
Thanks for the award, all received, unpacked. Hangs in a place of honor.
Yours faithfully Mansur UA4PDJ, Kazan, Russia
Igor Vladimirovich!
Many thanks for such abundance of information!!
Everything I will attentively look through and whenever possible to carry out and
to take part.
I wish you creative successes and everything, all the kindest!
Yours faithfully Mikhail RA3VFF.
Good afternoon, Igor EU1EU!!
The award, AGB-WARD-2012 received many thanks for No. 43. Very beautiful as well as all other awards in the AGB program thank you that you it sent the award to me. I familiarized with it and in process of possibilities.
I will try to execute some awards.
With sincere respect for you Vyacheslav RX1AB 73 !
Thank You for lovely awards, see You soon with new applications,
73 de Boki, YT6M
I am surprised your imagination in awards, it is visible wide experience both vital, and radio amateur,
and simply taste of the founder!
Good luck to you and Health! Yours faithfully, Vasily UA9WOB, 73!
On beauty of execution your diplomas have no competitors! Successes in all undertakings!
Alexander, Olga, YL-RS-01, YL-RS-02
of "Activity Group of Belarus"
On the separation of our club - AGB-Black Coffee.
Every month we gather outside the air, in one of the courgettes or cafes, or in the summer cafes in the air and talk about business related to the club, and some ideas, planned events, news, the Internet, and programs and .... Do not count everything ...
Everyone can come, not only a member of our AGB club, any radio amateur. You can come not only to one. They come with a wife, a friend, children and friends. Therefore, the questions are many and different, there are also many impressions.
Who was at least 3 times in our meetings, gets a special podstavochku-disk for a cup with the original stickers and membership number of the department "Black Coffee". The
Club-Branch "BLACK COFFEE - BLACK COFFEE" has its own symbolism and logo.
Meetings of the Club "AGB-BLACK COFFEE"
Meetings are held every second Sunday of the month.
Location - Central bookshop in Minsk - Prospekt
Francis Skaryna. The meeting-time is 1400 local time.
Regularly attending the club's department - the membership number is given
and a specific stand for a cup of coffee with golden club stickers and offices.
They can get not only a member of the AGB club.
To obtain the membership number of the branch - it is necessary to visit
- for members of the AGB club - at least 3 times;
- for as yet no mates - 5 times.
The first meeting was held in March 2000. - EW1AF
first meeting on March 5, 2000, Minsk
So, the event, which so long dreamed "ajbishniki", took place.
As expected, the conspirators gathered a little: some did not believe in reality
events, others were interrupted by other important events, nevertheless, four
for the first meeting of the club "Black Coffee" and were satisfied
result of the meeting.
The conversation program was very extensive - from discussing the merits of women,
sitting close to the permissible current in the anode of the GK71.
Coffee was not bad, beer and vodka - too, although we did not drink them (we believed the taste
neighbors on the table). But, of course, the main theme was our Activity Group
How to make our work more useful, more interesting, more
The proposals in order of delirium, and not very much, there have been a lot of controversies
too, was enough, but what pleased - the arguments were exceptionally gentle,
courteous in form and constructive substance. And it is not so important that from
the first proposals deserve to be rendered not a discussion of the whole group,
the beginning, nevertheless, is laid.
One major thought firmly held our minds - one can not limit
the activity of the band ONLY amateur tasks.
A close personal friendship will perfectly complement our radio contacts.
"HUNTFISH CLUB" inside the group (or branch, if you want) the first specific
proposal on this topic. It is, of course, far from being
corresponding to the condition, but in the opinion of the gathered (and especially the author)
Deserves attention. Just show the diploma hanging on your wall
"HUNTFISH" with your personal photo and you will immediately feel better ...
I deliberately do not call (for intrigue purposes) the composition of the first meeting,
I hope the number of guests next time will be more.
We are waiting not only for the AGB members, but for their friends, friends, etc.
By the way, members of the club (Minsk or regional) will have a full right
place on their cards the future emblem of the club.
Victor Vedenev EW1AF AGB#057
March 2000
The first meeting - March 2000. - EU1EU
So, the beginning of a new idea about creating and developing a club of meetings and discussions
new ideas and proposals - took place.
Yes, unfortunately, this event fell on a Sunday, moreover, in one
of the large tests, and the time for dissemination info was small. But, the
not less - the meeting was a success.
A few topics, not just the themes of our club. Somewhere jokes, somewhere a dispute and
direct expression of opinions, perhaps surprise, partial disagreement and
misunderstanding ... This is all a normal process. After all, this was not meant for
"chanting" or "chanting".
They talked about "Black Coffe", as a club branch, which can and will develop,
about the idea of ??creating a branch of the club "Huntfish", about our club, more popularization,
including on air, on conducting tables on air for clarification and clarification
conditions of the club's diploma - there are questions and interest, about the reality of the summer meeting
somewhere near the bowl of our club and its friends-wishing, about support at
holding roundtables on Thursdays, the policy of lack of fees in the club -
we have been doing this since the beginning of the club's work - this is the seventh year.
I am glad that two and a half hours passed without a trace.
We will talk a few about the meeting at the round table this Thursday, and the next
meeting, apparently, it is necessary to plan or in a month, or somewhere through
two weeks. Not only on Sunday, but possibly in the middle of the week.
The first step is made - in the way!
Igor Getmann EU1EU AGB#001
March 5, 2000. Minsk
Information of AGB-AGI TROPHY-Program
Awards and Trophies of "5/9 BAND DXMAN", include four classes:
1. SILVER ( Confirmed 50 Countries )
2. GOLD ( Confirmed 100 Countries )
3. PLATINUM ( Confirmed 250 Countries )
4. DIAMOND ( Confirmed 330 Countries )
Information about AGB-TROPHY-Program
Parts of AGB-TROPHY-Program.
I recommend to you to familiarize with our Trophies who are divided into four groups:
1= For Contesters. ( "W-..-C" - Worked in .. Contests )
2= For fans of DXing. ( "C-..-C" - Confirmed .. Countries )
3= For Award & Trophy Hunters. ( "H-..-A" - Have .. Awards )
4= of ... BELARUS...
AGB-Trophy "C-300-C" ... "C-1500-C"

Trophy C-500-C most popular in series C..C last year.
A series of trophies "C-300-C" ... "C-1500-C" awarded for total of the confirmed countries under list DXCC on bands 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 metters. Trophies stand out for, accordingly, 300, 500, 750, 1000 and 1500 confirmed DXCC countries.
* .. about AGB-TROPHY Good afternoon Igor! Today received Trophy "C-1500-C"! Real super is executed! Thank you very much! 73! Shamill RU9WW
Dobroe utro dorogoi Igor,
have a lot of thanks for the trophies. On the homepage of Rosel we show to the visitors the trophy
( www.dl3kwr.de rubric contests => http://www.dl3kwr.de/Contest-e.htm ). Also in QRZ.com ( http://www.qrz.com/db/ ) DL3KWR is uploaded the trophy.
Hardy and Rosel DL3KWR DL3KWF
AGB-Trophy "H-100-A" ... "H-1000-A"
 Trophy H-100-A most popular in series H..A last year.
A series of trophies "H-100-A" ... "H-1000-A" awarded for total of the diplomas received by you, trophies, medals and prizes (as and for contests). Trophies stand out for, accordingly, 100, 300, 500, 750 and 1000 Dimlomas (awards, trophies include contest-awards-sertificates).
* .. about AGB-TROPHY
I welcome Igor!
Today received from you Ñ-750-Ñ. Thank you very much.
Perfectly executed trophy, high quality!
It was packed very well, no scratches are present. Again Thanks! I rejoiced!
Now I select next Trophy from your program. The photo of the received trophy
I sent to friends, and I think nice reaction from them will be soon.
See you again!
73! Vladimir RD3AD
Hi Igor, TROPHY received, everything received perfectly. Alexander RK6JS
Good afternoon, Igor!
Today I received PX-BELARUS-Trophy. I thank you for it. It is pleasantly surprised that I have Trophy with number 2.
Everything is remarkable. Once again many thanks.
regards, Igor UA9OGF
AGB-Òðîôôè "W-100-C" ... "W-1000-C"

Trophy W-500-C most popular in series Contesting last year.
A series of trophies "W-100-C" ... "W-1000-C" awarded for total of competitions in which you took part (the personal call sign, as SWL or from club radio station). Trophies stand out for, accordingly, 100, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 Contests.