* AGB Club Information
about AGB
AGB divisions
AGB administration
AGB Black Coffee
AGB Hunters-Fishers
AGB Meetings
Round Tables AGB
Expeditions of AGB
Presentations of AGB
* AGB Club Members
Membership of AGB
Application ENG [word]
Application RUS [word]
Application Czech [word]
Application ENG [txt]
Application RUS [txt]
AGB member-list [Call -> Nr]
AGB member-list [Nr -> Call]
* AGB Award program
Award program
Trophy program
* AGB Contest program
* AGB Ratings
AGB Award Rating
AGB DX Rating
AGB Contest Rating
* AGB-Bulletins

* .. about AGB-AWARDs
Many thanks for nice Awards of AGB club and good wishes. Quite often I look on your WEB-site. I glad that you had also electronic versions of Awards. Recently it in a big fashion. With the best regards, Evgeny.
Thanks for the award, all received, unpacked. Hangs in a place of honor.
Yours faithfully Mansur UA4PDJ, Kazan, Russia
Igor Vladimirovich!
Many thanks for such abundance of information!!
Everything I will attentively look through and whenever possible to carry out and
to take part.
I wish you creative successes and everything, all the kindest!
Yours faithfully Mikhail RA3VFF.
Good afternoon, Igor EU1EU!!
The award, AGB-WARD-2012 received many thanks for No. 43. Very beautiful as well as all other awards in the AGB program thank you that you it sent the award to me. I familiarized with it and in process of possibilities.
I will try to execute some awards.
With sincere respect for you Vyacheslav RX1AB 73 !
Thank You for lovely awards, see You soon with new applications,
73 de Boki, YT6M
I am surprised your imagination in awards, it is visible wide experience both vital, and radio amateur,
and simply taste of the founder!
Good luck to you and Health! Yours faithfully, Vasily UA9WOB, 73!
On beauty of execution your diplomas have no competitors! Successes in all undertakings!
Alexander, Olga, YL-RS-01, YL-RS-02
AGB Contest Program
Club "Activity Group of Belarus"
Annually AGB conducts the following competitions during the year:
AGB-NYSB -NewYearsSnowBalls Contest - January 1 - New Year's Day Night
AGB-CIG Contest (ex: February 23) - before February 23
AGB-YL-PARTY Contest - on the 8th of March
AGB-NEMIGA Contest - Third Friday of September
AGB-PARTY Contest is the third Friday in December
Also in the Contest section we deal with:
- Periodic training of AGB-CONTEST-NEWS
- Constant awareness of the conditions and results of the competitions at round tables of the AGB club.
AGB-NYSB - "NewYearsSnowBalls" Contest
or AGB-NewYears-Snowballs
January 1 - New Year's Eve- 0000 - 0100 UT
Each participant can conduct QSO on the principle of "everything with everyone - as in CQ-WW",
on range 80m, like CW ,
and SSB .
Repeats - within each 15-minute interval
(0000-0014, 0015-0029, 0030-0044, 0045-0059) one QSO CW and another SSB with
each correspondent.
Preferred frequencies :
CW = 3510 - 3555 (pilot QRG 3540) SSB = 3700 - 3750 (pilot QRG 3720).
Control numbers : RS (T) + QSO (AGB-members +
through the fraction membership number - 599001/060).
For FT4 + FT8 station - QSO without number;<
Points : 1 point inside the continent, 3 outside the continent,
5 points for QSO with AGB station.
For FT4 + FT8 station - 1 QSO = 1 point.
Multiplier : each new AGB-member + DXCC territory
1 point each.
Final result: : Multiply the sum
points by the total factor.
For SWL , the result is calculated as for transmitting
stations, BUT the call sign of one correspondent should not be
more than 5 times in the report and 15 minutes interval.
LOGs sent to EU1EU.
Igor Getmann, PO Box 143, Minsk-5, 220005, Belarus
or by e-mail eu1eu@mail.ru
After 2 months after the end of the competition, the reception of reports
The results are terminated (the report is received or not
You can find out by e-mail or at the Round Table of the club).
You can not count the points, we will do it ourselves - as shown
many years of experience, this allows you to collect reports of participants with
with a small amount of QSO.
· A - Single Operator MIXED (CW + SSB) - AGB-member
· B - Single Operator CW - AGB-member
· C - Single Operator SSB - AGB-member
· D - Single Operator MIXED (CW + SSB)
· E - Single Operator CW
· F - Single Operator SSB
· G - Single Operator MIXED (CW + SSB) QRP (Max 10W -
be sure to send used equipment, and a diagram of the PA-TX cascade, ATU, antenna)
· H - Multi Operator
· I - SWL
· J - Digital (RTTY, PSK, BPSK ...)
· K - Single Operator FT8 - AGB-member - NEW !!! since 2020
· L - Single Operator FT4 - AGB-member - NEW !!! since 2020
· M - Single Operator FT8 - NEW !!! since 2020
· N - Single Operator FT4 - NEW !!! since 2020
Awards : all participants who sent LOG will be awarded with original Awards !.
So, we are waiting for you!
CIG Contest (ex: February 23)
joint contest AGB club + CIGA club
20 February 2003 - 1600 - 0100 UT
Организаторы: ОС БелОСТО, клуб AGB, клуб CIG-Alfamira.
ЦЕЛИ ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ: Популяризация радиолюбительства и радиоспорта в Белоруссии, стран СНГ, мирового сообщества, привлечение учащейся молодежи района к радиосвязям и соревнованиям на КВ, радиопутешествиям, повышение спортивного мастерства белорусских спортсменов, укрепление позиций белорусского спорта на международной арене и укрепление дружбы между народами Земли. К участию в соревнованиях приглашаются все радиолюбители мира.
ЗАДАЧИ: Проведение двусторонних радиолюбительских радиосвязей или наблюдений с радиолюбителями Мира.
ПЕРИОД ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ: с 20 февраля 2003 года - 1400-2000 UTC (с 1600 до 2200 часов белорусского времени).
ЧАСТОТНЫЕ ДИАПАЗОНЫ: 160,80, 40, 20 метров.
AA: Один оператор - все диапазоны.
AB: Один оператор - один диапазон.
AС: Один оператор - все диапазоны Digital.
ВA: Много операторов - один передатчик - возраст всех операторов до 18 лет - зачетное время 4 часа.
ВC: Много операторов - один передатчик - возраст операторов старше 18 лет.
С: Наблюдатели (SWL)
ОБЩИЕ УСЛОВИЯ: Радиолюбителям разрешается проведение радиосвязи как телеграфом (CW), так и телефоном (SSB), (в категории Digital - различными видами модуляции) с одной и той же станцией на одном и том же диапазоне. В процессе соревнований все работают со всеми. Повторные связи - на различных диапазонах и различными видами модуляции. В зачетной подгруппе - много операторов - один передатчик, в состав команды включается несколько операторов, которые проводили любительские радиосвязи.
КОНТРОЛЬНЫЕ НОМЕРА: состоят из RS(T) и порядкового номера радиосвязи, начиная с 001 (например 599001) и двух-пяти буквенной аббревиатуры названия радиоклуба. Например: 599001BR - принадлежность к клубу "Бригантина".
НАЧИСЛЕНИЕ ОЧКОВ: каждая радиосвязь - одно очко.
МНОЖИТЕЛЬ: каждый новый клуб корреспондента - одно очко для множителя, на каждом диапазоне.
ОКОНЧАТЕЛЬНЫЙ РЕЗУЛЬТАТ получается путем перемножения суммарного множителя на сумму очков за связи.
ДЛЯ НАБЛЮДАТЕЛЕЙ: При наблюдении должны быть записаны оба позывных и рапорт хотя бы одной из станций. Повторное наблюдение с одной и той же станцией возможно в следующем 30-минутном интервале. Начисление очков, как для передающей станции.
ОТЧЕТ: Отчет оформляется согласно требованиям IARU по оформлению отчетов за соревнования и высылается в 15-ти дневный срок после окончания соревнований по адресу: 220050, Белоруссия, Минск-50, А/Я - 85, CTK " АЛЬФАМИРА", Полысаеву.В.В. EW 1 ABA. Или по электронной почте: alfamira@tut.by alfamira@mail.ru eu1eu@tut.by
Обязательно укажите ваш спортивный разряд или звание, принадлежность к клубу с расшифровкой аббревиатуры клуба (Укажите вашу принадлежность к радиоклубам).
На основании данных о принадлежности к радоиклубам (многие состоят в нескольких), Ваши очки будут даваться всем вашим клубам.
Например: EU1EU член клубов DIG, KDR, AGB, CIGA, "Аргонавты" и т.д. В соревнованиях он дает в контрольном номере только одну аббревиатуру одного из клубов, например AR (Аргонавты). В отчете, на титульном листе, он дает перечень членства в клубах, регистрационные номера (если таковые есть) и расшифровку аббревиатур названия клубов, которые указаны в отчете.
СУДЕЙСТВО соревнования осуществляет судейская коллегия БелОСТО, НПООО "ЕВРОГРУПП"(клуб AGB), СТК "ALFAMIRA" ЖЭС-82(CIGA).
НАГРАЖДЕНИЯ: Спортсмены, занявшие первые три места в своих подгруппах, получают Дипломы и Призы.
Команда и спортсмены, занявшие призовые места, на основании заявления принимаются в члены клубов CIGA и AGB с получением членских именных дипломов.
Во время соревнований можно выполнить условия радиолюбительских дипломов CIG "ALFAMIRA" и клуба AGB. Положение о дипломах и вся интересующая Вас информация публикуется на страничке интернет: http://www.qsl.net/eu1eu http://www.alfamira.narod.ru или на сайте www.QRZ.RU
Все вопросы и предложения высылайте на alfamira@tut.by alfamira@mail.ru eu1eu@tut.by
РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ соревнований будут объявлены на круглый столах клуба AGB, высланы участникам на их электронные адреса и размещены в интернете: http://www.qsl.net/eu1eu и http://www.alfamira.narod.ru
AGB YL Party
8 марта, ежегодно.
00:00-24:00 UTC.
На всех КВ и УКВ диапазонах (исключая WARC).
Вид излучения CW, SSB, RTTY, SSTV .
Категории участников:
A - YL - все виды модуляции;
B - YL - SSTV;
D - OM - все виды модуляции;
E - OM - SSTV;
Участники могут заявлять результаты в различных группах зачета одновременно (например, UA4WNH провела 888 QSO, из которых 88 QSO SSTV - Она может заявить 888 QSO в группе A и также 88 QSO в группе B)
Засчитываются связи только между YL и YL и YL и OM, повторные связи допускаются на разных диапазонах или другим видом излучения.
Очки: CW, RTTY, SSTV QSO - 2 очка, Phone QSO - 1 очко. Множителя нет. Итоговый результат - сумма очков за связи на всех диапазонах.
Награждение участников:
- лучший результат в каждой категории и по каждой территории - диплом YL Belarus (со специальной отметкой - YL AGB Party 2001)
- среди участников категории А - специальный сертификат;
- лучший результат среди YL-AGB member - сувенир;
- Лотерея - среди YL Беларуси - разыгрывается 6 бокалов (почти беспроигрышно !!!)
Во время YL-AGB-PARTY QSO с YL-AGB member (EV1Y, UA4WNH, UA3LQS, EU6TT, EW1YT, EW1YL на сегодняшний день) - дает дополнительно 1 QSO для получения Диплома YL-Belarus (НО не для соревнований)
Отчеты, предложения и интересные мысли присылайте по адресу:
А/я 143, Минск-5, 220005, Беларусь
Third Friday in September(16.09.2022) 1600 - 1700 UT
Each participant can conduct QSO on the principle of "everything with everyone - as in CQ-WW",
on ranges strong> 40 + 80m,
Time 1600 - 1700 UT
Bands: 40 + 80м
Modes = CW, SSB,
and additional Entry Digital => FT8, FT4, JT65, T10, RTTY45, RTTY75, BPSK31, BPSK63, BPSK125, QPSK31, QPSK63, QPSK125, MFSK, HELL, FT8, SSTV ....
Repeats - within each 15 minute interval
1600 - 1614, 16 - 1629, 1630 - 1644, 1645 - 1659,
one QSO CW, another SSB with each correspondent (and Digital - various visible modulation), and also on the other band with other types of modulation. If you work quickly, and do not sit the whole test at the same frequency, then you can do a lot of QSO. Especially good for collective stations.
Preferred frequencies :
CW = 3510 - 3555 (pilot 3540), SSB = 3700 - 3750 (pilot 3720), Digital = 3570-3600.
CW = 7010 - 7035 (pilot 7030), SSB = 7055 - 7080 (pilot 7065), Digital = 7040-7055. The
Control numbers : RS (T) + Nr-QSO (AGB-members -
RS (T) + Nr-QSO + AGB-membership number - for example: 599001/060).
During the competition, it is possible to apply the transfer number of the Club's
either through Fraction, or through the symbol A = for example: 599001/060 = 599001A60.
FT8 & FT4 station - typical QSO without number;
This is to simplify the use of Computer Programs. For example, TR4W uses Symbol A, and programs N6TR, UA1AAF, AATest, UR5EQF, MixW, Lux-Log, AALog, N1MM with or without symbol.
1 point on the continent,
3 outside the continent,
5 points for QSO with AGB station, regardless of whether on your continent or on the other.
FT8 & FT4 station - 1 QSO = 1 point;
Multiplier : each new AGB-member + DXCC territory 1 point each.
Final result: : Multiply the sum points by the total factor.
For SWL , the result is calculated as for transmitting
stations, BUT the call sign of one correspondent should not be
more than 5 times in the report in each 15-minute interval.
LOGs send to address of EU1EU.
by email = eu1eu@mail.ru or
By POST = Igor Getmann, p.o.box 143, MINSK-5, 220005, BELARUS
LOGs are received before 15.01.2022
You can not count the points, we will do it ourselves - as shown
many years of experience, this allows you to collect reports of participants with
with a small amount of QSO.
for AGB-members
· AGB-MIX - Single Operator MIXED (CW+SSB, 40+80m)
· AGB-CW - Single Operator CW
· AGB-SSB - Single Operator SSB
· AGB-80 - Single Operator 80m
· AGB-40 - Single Operator 40m
· AGB-Digi - Single Operator Digital
· AGB-QRP - Single Operator QRP (Max 10W - be sure to send the Info about the equipment used, and the diagram of the TX cascade, ATU, antenna)
· AGB-MO - Multi Operator
· AGB-FT8 - Single Operator FT8
· AGB-FT4 - Single Operator FT4
for NOT AGB-members
· SO-MIX - Single Operator MIXED (CW+SSB, 40+80m)
· SO-CW - Single Operator CW
· SO-SSB - Single Operator SSB
· SO-80 - Single Operator 80m
· SO-40 - Single Operator 40m
· SO-Digi - Single Operator Digital
· SO-QRP - Single Operator QRP (Max 10W - be sure to send the Info about the equipment used, and the diagram of the TX cascade, ATU, antenna)
· MO - Multi Operator
· SO-FT8 - Single Operator FT8
· SO-FT4 - Single Operator FT4
Rewards : Each original sends the original AGB-Contest award.
You can get explanations and ask questions at round tables AGB -
on Thursdays, 3688 at 2030 Belarusian-Moscow - during Roundtables we use our club callsign EV5AGB
Third Friday in December(16.12.2022) 1600 - 1700 UT
All radio amateurs with amateur radio licenses are invited.
The presence of membership in the AGB Club is not obligatory, i.e. All are invited. And everyone can work with each other.
Each participant can conduct QSO on the principle of "everything with everyone - as in CQ-WW",
on ranges strong> 40 + 80m,
Time 1600 - 1700 UT
Bands: 40 + 80м
Modes = CW, SSB,
and additional Entry Digital => FT8, FT4, JT65, T10, RTTY45, RTTY75, BPSK31, BPSK63, BPSK125, QPSK31, QPSK63, QPSK125, MFSK, HELL, FT8, SSTV ....
Repeats - within each 15 minute interval
1600 - 1614, 16 - 1629, 1630 - 1644, 1645 - 1659,
one QSO CW, another SSB with each correspondent (and Digital - various visible modulation), and also on the other band with other types of modulation. If you work quickly, and do not sit the whole test at the same frequency, then you can do a lot of QSO. Especially good for collective stations.
Preferred frequencies :
CW = 3510 - 3555 (pilot 3540), SSB = 3700 - 3750 (pilot 3720), Digital = 3570-3600.
CW = 7010 - 7035 (pilot 7030), SSB = 7055 - 7080 (pilot 7065), Digital = 7040-7055. The
Control numbers : RS (T) + Nr-QSO (AGB-members -
RS (T) + Nr-QSO + AGB-membership number - for example: 599001/060).
During the competition, it is possible to apply the transfer number of the Club's
either through Fraction, or through the symbol A = for example: 599001/060 = 599001A60.
FT8 & FT4 station - typical QSO without number;
This is to simplify the use of Computer Programs. For example, TR4W uses Symbol A, and programs N6TR, UA1AAF, AATest, UR5EQF, MixW, Lux-Log, AALog, N1MM with or without symbol.
1 point on the continent,
3 outside the continent,
5 points for QSO with AGB station, regardless of whether on your continent or on the other.
FT8 & FT4 station - 1 QSO = 1 point;
Multiplier : each new AGB-member + DXCC territory 1 point each.
Final result: : Multiply the sum points by the total factor.
For SWL , the result is calculated as for transmitting
stations, BUT the call sign of one correspondent should not be
more than 5 times in the report in each 15-minute interval.
LOGs send to address of EU1EU.
by email = eu1eu@mail.ru or
By POST = Igor Getmann, p.o.box 143, MINSK-5, 220005, BELARUS
LOGs are received before 15.01.2022
You can not count the points, we will do it ourselves - as shown
many years of experience, this allows you to collect reports of participants with
with a small amount of QSO.
for AGB-members
· AGB-MIX - Single Operator MIXED (CW+SSB, 40+80m)
· AGB-CW - Single Operator CW
· AGB-SSB - Single Operator SSB
· AGB-80 - Single Operator 80m
· AGB-40 - Single Operator 40m
· AGB-Digi - Single Operator Digital
· AGB-QRP - Single Operator QRP (Max 10W - be sure to send the Info about the equipment used, and the diagram of the TX cascade, ATU, antenna)
· AGB-MO - Multi Operator
· AGB-FT8 - Single Operator FT8
· AGB-FT4 - Single Operator FT4
for NOT AGB-members
· SO-MIX - Single Operator MIXED (CW+SSB, 40+80m)
· SO-CW - Single Operator CW
· SO-SSB - Single Operator SSB
· SO-80 - Single Operator 80m
· SO-40 - Single Operator 40m
· SO-Digi - Single Operator Digital
· SO-QRP - Single Operator QRP (Max 10W - be sure to send the Info about the equipment used, and the diagram of the TX cascade, ATU, antenna)
· MO - Multi Operator
· SO-FT8 - Single Operator FT8
· SO-FT4 - Single Operator FT4
Rewards : All participants who sent the reports are sent an original AGB-PARTY-Contest-award in electronic format.
Sponsor - President of the AGB Radio Club Igor Getmann EU1EU
Earlier, a few years ago, according to the results of the calendar year - the best result for all three
competitions (NYSB + NEMIGA + PARTY) - Crystal was issued
ZUBR-BIZON . There were huge difficulties with the transfer and then with a photograph of the owner with this trophy from the seba in the shek. Now we do NOT issue such Trophies.
For those who use the computer during the competition
You can use add-ons
for the N6TR program , specially modified for our
competitions Vladislav UA4LU (AGB # 055)
or use the program
RZ1AWO , made for our tests by Boris UA1AAF and
tested by Michael RA1ARJ (AGB # 101) - THANKS!
If you can not "download" files - contact meeu1eu@mail.ru
Supplement for participants working with powerup to 100 watts
Sponsor - President of the AGB Radio Club Igor Getmann EU1EU
Earlier, several years ago, in our competitions (AGB-NEMIGA, AGB-PARTY) we applied the following
incentive event for participants working with capacity
up to 100 watts - Low Power (transceiver only, without PA).
The best result is the Crystal Glass . For the rest - a lottery,
regardless of the outcome. The lottery draws glasses based on
the following ratio of those who sent the reports (labeled "Low Power - up to 100
Watt ") - 5 reports - 1 glass, 10 -2, 25 - 3, 50 - 4, 75 - 5, 100 - 6, 150 - 7, 200 - 8.
The lottery will be played at the meetings of our department "Black Coffee". The
Note: These prizes are "no delivery", i.e. You can do it yourself or
through someone to take them from Minsk, after contacting EU1EU. we
we have a sad experience in sending prizes by mail ...
There were huge difficulties with the transfer and then with a photograph of the owner with this trophy from the seba in the shek. Now we do NOT issue such Trophies.
Rolling Metal Cup for AGB-NEMIGA-CONTEST
The position of awarding the Cup for AGB-NEMIGA-CONTEST
Sponsor - President of the radio club ALFAMIRA Vladimir Polysaev EV1P (ex:EW1ABA) AGB#029
Earlier, a few years ago, this Cup is awarded for the best result among all
participants in the annual AGB-NEMIGA-CONTEST competition that
takes place on the third Friday in September.
The best result is the maximum number of confirmed points -
is taken regardless of the category of offset in competitions, but only
among individual stations .
The purpose of this event is to increase activity in competitions
radio amateurs of Belarus and attraction of foreign
radio amateurs.
The cup is rolling and every year the call of the radio amateur will be engraved
on a special plate. The Cup will go on permanent use
Only in the event that the radio amateur becomes the owner
its three years in a row. Cup before transfer to permanent use
stored in EV1P(ex:EW1ABA) in order to avoid loss or breakage.
The cup is made in the best world traditions. It has
height of more than 25 centimeters. Made of non-ferrous metals, chrome plated
and nickel, polished and installed on a white marble stand.
This is a wonderful trophy for winning the competition!
The data and results of the competition can be found on
page of the AGB Club
and also make a request at the round tables of the AGB Club - on
Thursdays (except July-August) in 2030 Belarusian time (2130 MSK)
on 3688 + - QRM or by writing a letter:
Vladimir EV1P (ex:EW1ABA) AGB#029 alfamira@mail.ru or
Igor EU1EU AGB#001 eu1eu@mail.ru
There were huge difficulties with the transfer and then with a photograph of the owner with this trophy from the seba in the shek. Now we do NOT issue such Trophies.
Good luck in AGB-CONTEST and let the strongest win!
President of the AGB Club Igor Getmann / EU1EU / (AGB #, ALFAMIRA #)
President of ALFAMIRA club Vladimir Polysaev / EW1ABA / (AGB #, ALFAMIRA #)
Rolling Crystal Cups for AGB-PARTY-CONTEST
The position of awarding the Cups for AGB-PARTY-CONTEST
Sponsor - President of the radio club ALFAMIRA Vladimir Polysaev EV1P (ex:EW1ABA)
These Crystal Cups are awarded for best result among all
participants in the annual AGB-PARTY-CONTEST events, that
takes place on the third Friday of December.
The best result is the maximum number of confirmed points -
regardless of the category of test in the competition, in the following categories:
- among individual stations
- among YL
- among collective stations, the age of participants under 18 .
The purpose of this event is to increase activity in competitions
radio amateurs of Belarus and attraction of foreign radio amateurs.
Cups are passing and every year the callsign of the radio amateur will be engraved
on the surface of the Cup. The Cup will go on permanent use
Only in the event that the radio amateur becomes the owner
its three years in a row. Cup before transfer to permanent use
stored in EW1ABA in order to avoid loss or breakage.
Cups Crystal with the engraving of the callsign.
This is a wonderful trophy for winning the competition!
The data and results of the competition can be found on
page of the AGB Club
and also make a request at the round tables of the AGB Club - on
Thursdays (except July-August) in 2030 Belarusian time (2130 MSK)
on 3688 + - QRM or by writing a letter:
Vladimir EV1P (ex:EW1ABA) AGB#029 alfamira@mail.ru or
Igor EU1EU AGB#001 eu1eu@mail.ru
Good luck in AGB-CONTEST and let the strongest win!
President of the AGB Club Igor Getmann / EU1EU / (AGB #, ALFAMIRA #)
President of ALFAMIRA club Vladimir Polysaev / EW1ABA / (AGB #, ALFAMIRA #)
General Conditions for AGB-NEMIGA and AGB-PARTY contest
It is probable that you have noticed that the provisions of AGB-NYSB, AGB-NEMIGA, AGB-PARTY are similar. These competitions have been held for several years (since 1994).
Only the time of the competition changes, the duration of the competition.
Participants are divided into those who are members of the AGB Club and those who do not.
For each subgroup of participants there are also Diplomas and Prizes.
In the future, we will strengthen the stimulation of team-mates with Prizes.
This will increase the ratio of teammates in front of the number of countries,
which will further increase interest in the competition.
Conditions are also worked out so that participants can invoke
on results in their national organizations for awarding
sports ranks and ranks. This is especially true for collective
stations where schoolchildren take part. Any approval is important for them
their small victories.
It's also nice for radio amateurs in small towns that are away from the centers and where to get a rank or sporting title
(to issue) it is difficult.
In the spring, after summarizing the results, we issue an annual
AGB-Contest-Results and send it to the regional representatives in the summer
Club, clubs, with which we cooperate and prize-winners of our
competitions. The format of this edition is A5.
Sponsorship Prizes
Since 1994, in our competitions there are Sponsorship Prizes,
established by radio amateurs.
Thank you very much!
Here is the list of our Sponsors (in alphabetical order):
EU1CQ Vladimir
EU1EU Igor
EU6AA Victor
EU7EW Victor
EU8RR Alexander
EW1ABA Vladimir
EW1MM Igor
EW3LB Gregory
EW6AF Victor
EW6TU Arkady
UA4WNH Galina
You can also establish Your Prize in one (several) of our competitions.
Send letters and suggestions.
See You in AGB-CONTESTs !
Information of AGB-AGI TROPHY-Program
Awards and Trophies of "5/9 BAND DXMAN", include four classes:
1. SILVER ( Confirmed 50 Countries )
2. GOLD ( Confirmed 100 Countries )
3. PLATINUM ( Confirmed 250 Countries )
4. DIAMOND ( Confirmed 330 Countries )
Information about AGB-TROPHY-Program
Parts of AGB-TROPHY-Program.
I recommend to you to familiarize with our Trophies who are divided into four groups:
1= For Contesters. ( "W-..-C" - Worked in .. Contests )
2= For fans of DXing. ( "C-..-C" - Confirmed .. Countries )
3= For Award & Trophy Hunters. ( "H-..-A" - Have .. Awards )
4= of ... BELARUS...
AGB-Trophy "C-300-C" ... "C-1500-C"

Trophy C-500-C most popular in series C..C last year.
A series of trophies "C-300-C" ... "C-1500-C" awarded for total of the confirmed countries under list DXCC on bands 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 metters. Trophies stand out for, accordingly, 300, 500, 750, 1000 and 1500 confirmed DXCC countries.
* .. about AGB-TROPHY Good afternoon Igor! Today received Trophy "C-1500-C"! Real super is executed! Thank you very much! 73! Shamill RU9WW
Dobroe utro dorogoi Igor,
have a lot of thanks for the trophies. On the homepage of Rosel we show to the visitors the trophy
( www.dl3kwr.de rubric contests => http://www.dl3kwr.de/Contest-e.htm ). Also in QRZ.com ( http://www.qrz.com/db/ ) DL3KWR is uploaded the trophy.
Hardy and Rosel DL3KWR DL3KWF
AGB-Trophy "H-100-A" ... "H-1000-A"
 Trophy H-100-A most popular in series H..A last year.
A series of trophies "H-100-A" ... "H-1000-A" awarded for total of the diplomas received by you, trophies, medals and prizes (as and for contests). Trophies stand out for, accordingly, 100, 300, 500, 750 and 1000 Dimlomas (awards, trophies include contest-awards-sertificates).
* .. about AGB-TROPHY
I welcome Igor!
Today received from you С-750-С. Thank you very much.
Perfectly executed trophy, high quality!
It was packed very well, no scratches are present. Again Thanks! I rejoiced!
Now I select next Trophy from your program. The photo of the received trophy
I sent to friends, and I think nice reaction from them will be soon.
See you again!
73! Vladimir RD3AD
Hi Igor, TROPHY received, everything received perfectly. Alexander RK6JS
Good afternoon, Igor!
Today I received PX-BELARUS-Trophy. I thank you for it. It is pleasantly surprised that I have Trophy with number 2.
Everything is remarkable. Once again many thanks.
regards, Igor UA9OGF
AGB-Троффи "W-100-C" ... "W-1000-C"

Trophy W-500-C most popular in series Contesting last year.
A series of trophies "W-100-C" ... "W-1000-C" awarded for total of competitions in which you took part (the personal call sign, as SWL or from club radio station). Trophies stand out for, accordingly, 100, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 Contests.